Netformx Margin Analysis Tool

Margin Analysis Tool

The margin analysis challenge

Cisco Partners generally analyze their margins through time-consuming spreadsheet manipulation once the Bill of Materials (BOM) has been created. Manual analysis of pricing and discount scenarios takes time and generally results in missed opportunities. With the tremendous competitive pressure to get quotes out quickly, margin and incentive optimization is frequently skipped. And though seldom done, every proposal iteration resulting from customer feedback should have its margins analyzed for the optimum incorporation of discounts and incentives.

Eliminate manual margin analysis

The Netformx Margin Analysis Tool (MAT) helps Cisco Partners maximize margins and increase profit early in the sales cycle. It puts the bottom line at your fingertips by providing automated financial analysis that fully and systematically leverages promotions and incentives. MAT provides an innovative, automated way to determine end-customer pricing and maximize their margins through accurate cost and sell margin analysis of Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW) Estimates. In addition, MAT enables partners to test “what-if” pricing scenarios.

See the highest potential margin

MAT provides an innovative, visual interface to see the line-level SKU cost impact of promotions and incentives as well as descriptions of all cost modifiers. It determines the best combination of end-customer pricing actions that would drive the highest margin potential.

Margin and incentive interaction

MAT (powered by Netformx Pipeline Insight Tool (PIT) works hand-in-hand to quickly optimize cost and margin for every quote iteration. PIT promotion and incentive scenarios can automatically be provided as cost inputs to the Margin Analysis Tool. By toggling between PIT promotion and incentive analysis and MAT customer pricing activities for the same Estimate or Deal, the user can immediately see the impact on an opportunity’s margin.

With Netformx Margin Analysis Tool you can:

  • Maximize sales profitability through automation, financial analysis, and efficiency
  • Quickly make decisions and take actions that benefit the customer and your bottom line with sophisticated promotion and financial analysis
  • Focus on sales, profitability, and your customers by letting MAT take care of gathering and analyzing all the deal details that impact profitability
  • Increase margins with automated analysis of CCW Estimates
  • Easily compare what-if scenarios on multiple promotion and incentive choices
  • Determine what your ROI might be if other specializations were achieved, or compare your competitors specializations for better margin planning
  • Export reports on all scenarios and user activities
  • Modify prices in bulk or by line item to reflect discount goals, margin floors, mark-up targets, or defined prices


Margin Analysis Tool

Margin Analysis Tool

Customer Testimonials

Tyler Mathis
Tyler Mathis
Manager of Federal Operations at Zivaro, Inc.

Sophisticated Promotional & Financial Analysis with PIT
“Both the Netformx Partner Incentive Tool and the Margin Analysis Tool bring sophisticated promotion and financial analysis together, so we can quickly make decisions and take actions that benefit the customer as well as our bottom line. The Netformx tools take care of gathering and analyzing all the details about the impact of promotions, incentives, and discounts on a deal’s bottom line so we can focus on sales, profitability, and our customers.”


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Let’s talk about how Netformx automation

and simplification tools can help you

solve your Cisco program profitability problems.



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