
Customer Success Manager
The HEAT is on — Maximize your VIP41 rebates NOW!
Hello Cisco Partners,
It is Summer, and already it is hot hot hot! And right in the middle of it, VIP 41 will be over. Have you done everything needed to set your team on fire to maximize rebates?
Profitability is the focus for Finance. You can help turn up profits by uncovering extra VIP rebate dollars in your sales pipeline and by making sure you reach booking targets and meet all of Cisco’s VIP deadlines and requirements.
This blog is a burning reminder of what to do as VIP 41 and Cisco FY23 come to a close.
HOT TIP: Booking end dates are July 29th for Direct, DSV, and CBN and July 27th for POS.
Use Netformx automation to quickly get the most out of VIP41
With the automation and data richness available in Netformx VIP Calculator and Netformx ChannelXpert™ you can quickly ensure no rebate dollars are left on the table. Don’t let your money go up in smoke. The Netformx solutions are easy to use and—at a glance—provide the insights you need to convert opportunities to dollars and profit.
The flames are coming closer, but there’s still time to maximize your VIP41 deals and rebates.
Get the Pipeline Insight Data you can’t get from Cisco to Calculate VIP.
It’s simple to add VIP41-eligible SKUs to your deal pipeline with VIP Calculator. As you probably know, SKU base and bonus rebates vary depending on whether they are annuity, solution, or architecture tracks, and also by subtracks. Through automation, VIP Calculator incorporates those payout nuances to provide accurate estimates of the potential rebates for a deal. Just a reminder that you can get VIP rebate potential on your Disti estimates as well, follow these easy steps to upload a BOM.
With VIP Calculator it’s also easy to identify the top VIP41-compliant deals in your pipeline so you can make sure they get booked before the July 29th Cisco deadline. Check out these quick steps to download a report from Netformx Pipeline Insight Tool (PIT) to quickly prioritize your high value VIP rebate deals.
Make sure your VIP 41 requirements are met before July 29th
Deadlines are looming to satisfy VIP41 requirements for your deals. ChannelXpert makes it easy to see the outstanding requirements and due-dates and how well you are progressing in reaching booking targets. Shipment deadlines are less of a concern right now for VIP41, as well as for VIP 37-40 which have been extended to October 28, 2023.
By identifying instances where you are close to target booking requirements, you may want to consider adjusting the deals to meet the minimum requirements, such as lowering a deal margin if it yields a higher VIP payback. For example, you could give security away at cost in order to light up your VIP rebate
Steps to take before VIP41 ends:
- Go to the VIP dashboard in ChannelXpert
- Check the Tasks & Insights window to verify the Prerequisite Status requirements are maintained for subtracks
- Review Certifications, Specializations and their due-by dates
- Check that subtrack Minimum Booking Targets/MCV revenues are met
- For subtracks not at minimum bookings/revenue:
- Review Missing Booking to Secure Rebate or Meet Cumulative MCV with Sales Ops to promote/spiff/pull potential orders to book by the end of VIP41
- For Annuity VIP, verify that Expected Rebate meets program expectations
- For subtracks not at minimum bookings/revenue:
Netformx solutions make it easy to identify what you need to do to get your VIP higher and higher to maximize your VIP payouts.
Reach out to me at or your account manager to schedule a VIP41 wrap-up call to see how you can maximize your rebates before it’s too late. I’m happy to help!