Customer Success Manager
Wrapping up VIP40 and Transitioning to VIP41
Hello Cisco Partners,
As a Customer Success Manager at Netformx I wanted to make some recommendations for wrapping up VIP 40 and provide some information about the timing for transitioning our tools to VIP41, and availability of the Netformx VIP Index report on how to adjust your selling motions to maximize VIP41 rebates.
Closing VIP 40
As Cisco closes its reporting business for VIP 40. Netformx will be looking at current customers potential add and potential recoverable rebates. We will be in touch with you if there is an opportunity worthy of addressing.
Transitioning to VIP41
Netformx is in the process of transitioning to support the Cisco VIP41 rules that were released on January 29, 2023.
We are working to quickly update:
- VIP Calculator
- Pipeline Insight Tool
- ChannelXpert
Please note that updating the rules to include the new Solutions Track with 6 subtracks will take longer than usual, but at Netformx we are excited for the new category and what that means for our partners to have added opportunity for collecting even more VIP rebates.
If you haven’t yet seen the Subtracks, here they are:
- Full-Stack Observability (FSO)
- Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
- Hybrid Work from Office
- Hybrid Cloud Computing
- Hybrid Cloud Networking
- Hybrid Cloud Software
Netformx VIP41 Index Report
Many of you have been asking when the new VIP Index Report will be available for download. Good news! We should have the Netformx VIP41 Index report available within a couple of weeks. If you’re new to Netformx and curious about all the hub-bub, Netformx publishes a VIP Index Report after the end of each VIP Period and it provides details on where the previous VIP to new VIP changes are and how you might consider adjusting your selling motions to take advantage of the new rebate opportunities. Some partners have told us this report has been integral in helping them in their annual sales planning and organization activities.
We appreciate your continued support and partnership with Netformx. We are always here to assist with ‘anything Cisco’. If you need some extra help managing your VIP status please contact me at! I would be happy to work with you to review your status and determine the high priority actions to take.