ChannelXpert v5.5 updates for managing Cisco LCI & VIP

Netformx is pleased to announce the ChannelXpert v5.5 update, including LifecycleXpert and ChannelXpert’s VIP interface improvements.

LifecycleXpert Updates to Simplify LCI

  • EA SKU alignment improvements have been made to the PO Agreement type:
    • Continued enhancements by Cisco on the granular identification of architectures (aka Subtracks) and alignments (EA vs. Non-EA) for Adopt Lifecycle Incentive SKU-level eligibility allows LifecycleXpert to improve further upon the classification, categorization, and presentation for your Adopt EA opportunities so you can take immediate registration action in PPE.
    • Please note the highlighted line (EA & EA-Adv.) is now obsolete (and will vanish in a subsequent update) – each Subtrack correctly displays the actual number of end-customer identified PO-based opportunities (Total Deals) along with the total Potential SBO payout.
    • Clicking on the Total Deal value on the Subtrack line triggers the Opportunity UI to open filtered to the selected Subtrack.

  • LifecycleXpert Opportunity Export Report Improvement
    • The Opportunity Excel-based export now presents details about the relevant Lifecycle Incentive SKU associated with the end-customer PO, making it easier for you to understand the supplied level of Use Activate Software (Essential, Advanced, Premium) and SKU-level alignments.
    • The export also tracks the appearance of Dual-SKUs, which are SKUs that align to both Use Activate and Adopt categorizations (highlighted in the example shown below) for each customer sale.

  • View Non-Eligible Lifecycle Incentive Opportunities
    • Customers asked, and Netformx delivered on the ability to view all your end-customer purchase orders that contain LCI aligned SKUs for booked business that does not meet the minimum net book value thresholds; $10,000 for Use Activate & $50,000 for Adopt opportunities.
    • The LCI Eligible dropdown allows you to view ALL your booked business.
    • With this view, you can reach out to the applicable sales teams where the eligible net-book value is just shy of the minimum value thresholds and discuss an LCI upsell strategy.


ChannelXpert VIP Updates

  • Support for new VIP-38 shipping extensions
    • Cisco extended the eligible VIP38 ship dates from April 30 to October 30, 2022.
    • Netformx matches the underlying ChannelXpert VIP programming and analysis logic to match this Cisco change.
  • VIP Status Check Export Report Enhancement
    • Netformx continues the rollout of improvements to VIP Reports.
    • VIP Status Check now includes SKU-level details.

If you need assistance with training for any of the ChannelXpert or LifecycleXpert features, contact or your account manager.