

Stepping it up to make you more successful with Cisco VIP!
Mark Bickerstaffe

General Manager and VP of Global Sales at Netformx

As the General Manager at Netformx, I manage our sales, marketing, and customer success functions globally. I am very fortunate to interact hourly with both our incredible internal teams and the thought leaders in some of the most innovative solution providers and managed service providers in the world. I love…
More about Mark Bickerstaffe

Stepping it up to make you more successful with Cisco VIP!

Hello Cisco Partners,

Now that the new Cisco year is upon us and VIP 40 is in full swing, what are you doing differently for your sales motions to maximize rebates? It takes serious work to understand what changes to make.

That is why we have been hard at work doing several things to make you more successful which the articles that follow will better explain.

  • First, we started with getting our products VIP40 ready.
  • We analyzed the changes over the last 6 VIP periods showing trends and insights to subtracks with better payout options with increased % and/or increased SKU counts in the “Netformx VIP Index (NVI) Report”.
  • Mike Johnson blogged about how he can help customers look at their own VIP trending to determine specific actions they can take to make a difference to their bottom line.
  • Then we also updated ChannelXpert with better dashboards for both VIP and Lifecycle Incentives so you can better prioritize activities against deadlines and focus with better filtering options.

It may be all about VIP right now with the new period, but it is important for you to still look at evolving your CX teams to reap more Lifecycle Incentives as part of that bottom line. You can trust the Netformx team to expertly guide you with our tools and advisor support to help you learn the LCI ropes to profitability in a simplified, automated way.

Getting Netformx Tools VIP40 Ready

The Pipeline Insight Tool and VIP Calculator have been updated with the VIP40 SKUs. Not only will you have early visibility to your VIP pipeline and eligible SKUs to help you make decisions, but with the VIP Calculator you can calculate your potential VIP and Architecture rebates, by subtrack for a complete picture. Having insight at your fingertips to the current eligible SKUs and non-VIP SKUs, and the ability to run what-if scenarios simplifies your transition to VIP40 and find the most profitable and competitive solution.

ChannelXpert is your BI dashboard to really accelerate your VIP rebate profitability. It is VIP40 ready today. Having insight to not only the VIP40 activities and priorities, but also visibility to the extended shipping Deadlines for VIP37 and VIP38 deadlines as well as the VIP39 deadlines. Managing all these deadlines would be a nightmare if you were still working through spreadsheets. You also get trending information on your VIP rebate payouts over time to better support your financial planning.

Align your sales motion for VIP40!

It’s a new VIP Period. Can you answer these questions?

  • What Cisco Subtracks are you selling today versus what you need to sell tomorrow to continue to maximize VIP rebates?
  • VIP Rewards continue to change especially for VIP 40:
    • Do you know what subtracks will get you the highest reward %?
    • Do you know what SKU’s will reap the most rewards?
    • Are you evolving your sales strategy to align with Cisco strategy?
    • What are you doing to maximize your VIP rebates in the new period?

Get your ‘Netformx VIP Index Report’ for insight on where it may make sense to adjust your selling motions for VIP40. The report provides near term and long-term observations based on the Netformx VIP Index (NVI) value we calculated by looking at the last six VIP periods and comparing them to VIP40.

Complete the form or contact your account manager or sales@netformx.com. The report will be sent to you within 48 business hours via your account manager. This report is only available to Cisco Partners.

Stepping it up to make you more successful with Cisco VIP!


Wrapping your arms around where VIP40 Changes can Impact your bottom line

A Blog by Mike Johnson, Customer Success Manager

As we continue with our Blog around “VIP Rebates Simplified”, the topic today is on what has changed with the transition from VIP39 to VIP40. We took into consideration the number of eligible SKUs and percentage of payout. This approach provides clear insight as to where Cisco is targeting their rebate payouts.

Netformx leverages years of experience with the Cisco VIP program to apply logic to automated data from Cisco and Distributors. This provides insights to the partners business, how they are investing their energies in Cisco’s programs, and their success at earning rebates or if they left money on the table.

If you are a current Netformx customer, after you have reviewed the report, we can work with you to look at your company’s previous VIP payouts to try to determine if there are specific adjustments that may help to maximize rebates in the new period.

If you have any further questions, I am happy to help. Just let me know at mike.johnson@netformx.com.

Stepping it up to make you more successful with Cisco VIP!


ChannelXpert v5.8 – New Dashboards to Focus and Prioritize your Lifecycle Incentive & VIP Actions

We are excited to release two major upgrades to the ChannelXpert Dashboards in version 5.8 for both VIP and Lifecycle Incentive users. These enhancements will further simplify your ability to ensure that Cisco’s lucrative LCI rewards and VIP rebates are earned and paid. New filtering capability will provide the ability to quickly dive into the priorities and key actions needed so that you never miss a deadline again.

  • Simplified Insights to Filter on needed actions in LifecycleXpert
    • A new Insights Panel and Timeline on the LCI Overview page provides daily updates to help you prioritize actions to take for Use and Adopt with ample filtering capabilities.
  • Prioritize your VIP actions that are most critical
    • A new Insights and Timeline panel on the VIP Overview Page provides daily updates to help you filter by Type of Action and Subtrack to prioritize the actions to take

Stepping it up to make you more successful with Cisco VIP!


See you at Partner Summit!

If you will be attending Cisco Partner Summit, I would love to get some time with you. Just reach out to me at mark.bickerstaffe@netformx.com to get something on the calendar or set it up through your account manager. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to the team at anytime if you need assistance at sales@netformx.com.

Stepping it up to make you more successful with Cisco VIP!






Stepping it up to make you more successful with Cisco VIP!

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