CX Tooling audit? No problem with SuccessXpert!

SuccessXpert is a partner-ready Customer Success tool that is coming soon to enable CS and CX Teams to quickly start managing their CX motions. Automated Cisco data feeds will help them manage Customer Health scores, etc. on an ongoing basis.

Our goals with SuccessXpert include:

  1. Time to first value measured in days
  2. Simplify passing CX tooling requirements with Cisco Auditors , NSF
  3. A scalable solution that will result in on-going use

Alpha success

The tool is currently in alpha and is being tested with a small group of partners to ensure it meets the audit requirements. We recently showed our progress to NSF the Cisco Auditors who noted that the tool is very powerful and that we offer significant differentiation for Cisco partners with being able to show Health Scores that include consumption information.

Beta available in the coming months

We are excited to get to the beta stage coming in the next couple of months to expand access to other partners that are anxious to get their Customer Success Management (CSM) tooling in place with minimal effort and well before the April 2022 deadline for CX Advanced Specialization.

Get a walkthrough!

This tool will integrate with other Netformx tools for LCI identification pre-sales, and LCI reward monitoring post-sales. If you would like to learn more about SuccessXpert or get a walkthrough, please contact your account manager or

SuccesXpert - A Netformx CSM Tool