PIT 4.2 - Lifecycle Incentive Insight on Estimates

Starting with the release of Netformx Partner Incentive Tool (PIT) 4.2, Cisco Partners can gain insight on Estimates that qualify for Lifecycle Incentive (LCI) Customer Experience rewards. Using advanced filtering options, Partners can jumpstart their internal conversations required for the planning, rollout, and milestone management of LCI SKU’s early in the pre-sales process. The new LCI feature in PIT will provide:

  • A filter to sort based on LCI-Adopt & Expand and LCI-Use (Activate) SKU-level program flags
  • An Estimate analysis alert message to notify the user of the presence of SKUs triggering LCI rewards
  • An expanded Export report with a Summary worksheet and enhanced filtering capabilities to isolate LCI compliant SKUs
  • An improved PM Report allowing comprehensive LCI filtering on ALL Estimates coming from the Partners full contingent of PIT users Estimates

How to use the LCI Filters to Create a Master List of Estimates that include LCI eligible SKUs.

  1. Toggle the Filter icon
  2. Enable the two LCI programs
  3. Output: a complete list of LCI eligible Estimates
  4. Share the list of Estimates with your Customer Experience (CX) Team